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How To Design And Print The Perfect Banner


When it comes to designing and printing a banner for your business (or on behalf of a client), there's a lot of things that you need to consider. Even if you're relatively experienced in other forms of print design (e.g. sticker or leaflet design etc), there are a few aspects of a great banner design that many designers tend to neglect and often, these are crucial to the success of your banner.

Unlike many other printed marketing materials, banners need to be readable and viewable from a distance and therefore, there are certain elements of the design that will need to be emphasised to ensure that this is the case (we'll talk about these elements in greater detail throughout this guide).

We've designed hundreds (perhaps even thousands!) of banners throughout the years at and we've been lucky enough to work with clients from all walks of life, so we're quite knowledgeable when it comes to banners (give us a call if you have any questions that aren't covered in this guide!).

To help you guys out with your banner design woes, we consulted with our graphic design team and utilised their knowledge to help create this guide walking you through the entire banner design (and printing) process in detail.

pvc banner printing design

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